Palm Sunday with online communion

Hello everyone,

I’m thinking of you and praying for you. How have you kept your self busy? Any good stories to tell?

I had an exchange with Andria Rankin who shared these words about some of the things she is doing:

I am trying to “prune” away some things that definitely needed pruning; primarily giving control (especially with my parents) back over to God. These unprecedented times are really helping me to stay in hope, joy and peace, knowing that God is definitely our strength and our refuge. 

Pruning away really caught my attention. Thank you Andrea for inspiring us.  

Chauncey Neely sent:

We will send the video out again sometime Saturday, or you can wait and tune on the church website at 8:30 when it will go live. Bill Longsworth will add a communion meditation and asks you to have bread and a drink near by so that you can share in that if you like. 

Hans continues his techno magic (not to mention his musical talent) to make our weekly videos work great. We have a surprise for you at the beginning of the video.

Please stay in touch. I miss you all.

Charme Robarts
Community Advocate