Practicing Prayerful Presence with Dr. Len Delony

By June 29, 2020

There is a new prayer group offering here at First Church – and you’re invited. No matter where you are in your prayer journey, or spiritual practices – all who wonder are welcome. Practicing Prayerful Presence with Dr. Len Delony, happens every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9:30 am on Zoom.

Continuing from Dr. Tim Bruster’s sermon series “A Healthy Spirituality for Our Time,” Dr. Len Delony leads this group while exploring both ancient and contemporary Christian Spiritual Practices. The goal of this prayer and discussion group is to create opportunities to listen deeply for the Spirit’s guidance and be prayerfully aware of God’s Presence in the moment.

The more we practice, the more we come to experience all of life as unfolding prayer. As we become more awake to grace in our lives and notice more often from our soul’s perspective – with eyes to see and ears to hear – we become more able to respond to God’s guidance (instead of that initial feeling to react out of our own fears).

Dr. Len Delony explains, “I want the people who join in this group to hear – to intently listen to – those voices for healing that come from down deep in their struggles, that they might not even know are there, and to make room for the mystery. This practice of prayerful presence brings in more than therapy can, because it allows room for the mystery. There is something sacred in that great mystery that is always inviting us to experience healing and wholeness.”

We’ve all experienced struggle, pain, even suffering, at one point or another. Len urges all who will listen, “By allowing people, encouraging people, to find strength through that pain and struggle, we can move to place of deep peace and pure delight in this holy mystery.”

Especially in this challenging, liminal time, it is important that we become increasingly “rooted and grounded in God’s love” (Ephesians 3:21). How can we live into the uncertainties of this time, with the truth and wisdom in the Spirit, that quietly reminds us, “We really are all in this together.” From our deep-rooted center, we find within, an open-hearted courage and inner strength to follow the way of Love we know through Christ.

Join Len and others in this journey of prayerfully discovering God’s Presence in the heart of our struggles and soul stories. As we hear this holy mystery calling to us in every aspect of our lives, we discover all sorts of healing and wholeness deep within.

Come when you can and as you are, as we intentionally open grace-space to listen with “ears of the heart,” to discover God’s Indwelling Spirit and the deep Wisdom of our Holy Counsellor. Join in the journey every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9:30 am using the link below.

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