Fall Academy Help

Hi Friends.

One of the things this year’s VBS taught us is that class size makes a difference. We intentionally kept our classes smaller this year, and it seemed to be a hit with kids and teachers. The kids felt seen, heard, and known. The teachers felt more in command and less overwhelmed.
As much as possible, we want Fall Academy to have this feel. The more teachers/rooms we have, the more we can keep those class sizes manageable!

We’ve got a good start on our teacher roster for the fall, but we definitely need more help. And I want to give you some assurances that volunteering this fall doesn’t mean “signing your Sundays away.”

  • Each classroom team is made up of three teachers. We only need two teachers per room on any given Sunday. That means on any given Sunday, two teachers can be in the classroom while the third is attending worship, out of town, or just sleeping in.
  • Academy is from 10:00 – 10:50 am, so you could catch the first half of adult Sunday school or the Gathering, then come to the Children’s wing.
  •  We have lots of different class options and we do our best to not only accommodate the interests of children, but also of the grown-ups willing to volunteer.
  • You don’t have to come up with your own lessons or materials. All of that is provided.

And if you’ve never taught before — don’t worry! Do you love God? Do you love kids? That’s the important stuff. The rest is just glue sticks, and we’ve got plenty of those.

Thank you for considering!

Mark Burrows
Director of Children’s Ministries