Embracing Gratitude

Dear friends,

As we approach Holy Week, I usually find myself in a season of spiritual reflection.  I’ve spent previous Lenten seasons giving something up, like fried food or alcohol, and I have taken on a new discipline in other years, like private devotional time before the rest of the house gets up or *attempting* to exercise more regularly.  The point behind all of these is to experience, in some small way, the sacrifice Christ gave for all of us.

This year, I admit, I didn’t give anything up and didn’t take on a specific spiritual discipline, but I did come away with one thing: a feeling of deep gratitude.

Gratitude for my church home of so many years.

Gratitude for the friends and family God has placed in my life.

Gratitude for the Holy Spirit’s presence in the quiet moments when I feel lost or alone.

Gratitude for the love of Jesus that I will never be able to comprehend fully.

God is always good, even in times of great suffering, and that is what I have learned that the season of Lent is all about.

I want to encourage you to find time to participate not only in the Easter Sunday worship services on March 31st but also in the many opportunities for worship and guided prayer throughout Holy Week. The Maundy Thursday Potluck meal and service is a great time for fellowship around a common table (don’t forget to bring a dish!).  On Good Friday, the Chapel will be open during the lunch hour for guided prayer and meditation. And if you’ve never been to a Good Friday service, I hope you’ll join us on Friday night at 7pm.

Traveling with Jesus through Holy Week makes Resurrection Sunday more meaningful, more joy-filled, and more miraculous.  It opens our eyes to God’s goodness and presence in all aspects of life.

Come taste and see.


Clint Church
Director of Communications