Pre-K Choir Starts September 10

Hi Families of Incoming 4s/PreK!

It’s your ol’ pal Mister Mark here.

The reason I’m reaching out to you specifically is to let you know what we do on Sunday mornings during Fall and Spring Academy to give our 4s/PreK friends a little extra.

It starts at 9:20 with Children’s Choir. ALL 4s/PreK are part of our Children’s Choir. It’s nothing you have to sign up for. We do this automatically with our 4s/PreK to ensure they have regular music – a crucial part of faith formation in early childhood.
Once we start Fall Academy, simply bring your child to the second floor of the Children’s Wing. When their portion of choir is over, their classroom teachers will take them back to their first-floor class for pick-up.

Our 4s/PreK friends also get 10 minutes of Sacred Circle Time with Ms. Amber. This is a time when children hear a Bible story, pray together, and receive a blessing in a gentle, experiential way.

We are SO grateful and honored to get to be with your children in the earliest stages of their faith journey.

Mister Mark