Serving Up Some Candy

By October 27, 2017

In a team effort to help support one another’s commitment to Healthy Plate Discipleship, Rev. Phyllis Barren’s Wednesday Morning Bible Study group decided to do a monthly service project together to help fill the SERVE portion of each member’s Healthy Plate. “In September, we provided 226 bottles of Gatorade for the Mission,” Phyllis explains, “and this month it was providing bags of Halloween candy for clients who come to the Mission. We are making sure lots of people have a treat!” To organize this project, Carol Harrell equipped the group to fill 210 bags with 135 pounds of Halloween candy. “We are really trying to do Healthy Plate together,” Phyllis adds, and she invites anyone who would like to add a helping of SERVE to their Healthy Plate to contact her for information regarding the group’s next service project — or to join them for weekly study and become part of this lively and dedicated FUMCFW group!

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